Levelling guide diablo 2
Levelling guide diablo 2

levelling guide diablo 2

  • Check Charsi for the 2 Socketed Body Armor, and 2x 2 Socketed Helmet at the start of each run.
  • Combined with Stealth you'll reach the more comfortable Breakpoint at 37% Faster Cast Rate.

    levelling guide diablo 2

    If you get at least one of them, check Akara for a Wand of the Apprentice.

  • Pick up any Ring and Amulet to check them for +10% Faster Cast Rate.
  • Put the Runes into your Stash for storage.

    levelling guide diablo 2

    Find the Waypoint and start farming The Countess inside the Forgotten Tower for the below listed Runes. Put strangling gas potion s into your Weapon Swap and use them against tanky Elite Groups.Be aware of the short range of Static Field at Skill Level 1, it is often hard to get close enough to enemies until you reach Skill Level 3. Use Frost Nova on large monster packs or dangerous Elite Groups to slow them down! Weaken your targets with Static Field and then finish them off with charged bolt. At Level 6 you gain access to Frost Nova and Static Field.Don't waste your time with individual monsters. From this point onwards, Elite Groups are your primary focus when it comes to killing monsters.Add both the Tome of Town Portal, and the Tome of Identify if possible. Buy some Life, lots of Mana and Stamina Potions from Akara. If you have 3.500+ Gold, check her for a +x to Charged Bolt Short Staff. Get to Akara and sell everything you got from the Den of Evil.Move close to individual targets to focus the bolts on them. Engage big density from afar and move close when you want to kill individual monsters. Charged Bolt is your primary Skill for a while.Clear out the Den of Evil and pick up items to sell, like Ring s, Amulet s, Charms, etc.

    Levelling guide diablo 2